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CockroachDB Talk Notes

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Working remotely, I’m always looking for good excuses to get out and actually interact with other developers in person. So when I saw that Pivotal was hosting a lunchtime talk on CockroachDB, I hopped on the train across town to Shoreditch to catch it. I took fairly detailed notes, but much of the talk involved walkthroughs of various scenarios and code paths that would be hard to describe here, so I’m going to very loosely summarize the content and try to convey the general ideas.


The talk was given by Spencer Kimball. As an undergrad at Stanford back in the 90’s Spencer had been one of the original developers of the GIMP. He then spent most of his career working on databases. First at startups that focused on enabling very large MySQL and PostgreSQL deployments using various sharding and replication approaches. Then he worked at Google for years on MySQL, BigTable, and Spanner. Now he is the co-founder and CEO of Cockroach Labs, the company behind CockroachDB.

Design Goals

CockroachDB is a database that aims to nail the “4 S’s”:

  • Scalable
  • Survivable
  • Strong Consistency
  • SQL

Once a dataset gets larger than what can easily fit on a single database server, traditional SQL databases become unwieldy at best. The most common approach is to shard the data. That allows the database to scale out horizontally but places a high burden on application developers and limits the types of queries the database can make (you can’t do joins across shards on different servers).

Once you’ve scaled a database out to multiple servers with shards, you also have more chances for servers to crash or corrupt data, lowering your overall availability. You need a robust approach to replication, failover, and backups to achieve reasonable levels of availability and durability. This quickly becomes a huge operations and maintenance load.

Facebook has over 10,000 MySQL server shards. EBay apparently has around 600 “large” Oracle shards for their main database (Oracle charges per CPU, so that must cost a lot).

These are the problems that drove the evolution of the “NoSQL” ecosystem. DynamoDB from Amazon (and databases based on its ideas like Riak), BigTable at Google, Cassandra, MongoDB, etc. all were fundamentally designed to allow the database to scale out to very large datasets across many servers.

This scalability was achieved by making tradeoffs. Most of the NoSQL databases expose only a simpler key-value store type interface. Sometimes with a bit more flexible querying interface, but nothing as flexible as SQL for making arbitrarily complex queries. The burden of maintaining indices was pushed out to application developers instead of being handled automatically by the database. Most NoSQL databases also achieve their scalability and availability by relaxing consistency guarantees and giving up on providing ACID transactions, again shifting the burden out to the application developers.

After years of experience with BigTable, Google eventually concluded that these tradeoffs were not worth it in many cases. Even very smart developers had a difficult time reasoning about relaxed consistency models, resulting in data loss and corruption.

As a result, Google built Spanner and has internally mandated its use for all new applications by default. Spanner is a distributed transactional database with a SQL interface. Famously, Spanner relies on a network of synchronized atomic clocks that allows it to achieve distributed transactions within tight time limits. That may be a solution for Google, but clearly is out of the reach of most of the rest of us.

CockroachDB’s goal is to be Spanner for those of us outside Google. It tries to bridge scalability and flexibility with consistent transactional semantics and a familiar SQL interface. Obviously, without atomic clocks, some different techniques are required, but the end goal is roughly the same.

With years of experience operating various databases, they are also sensitive to the operational overhead involved in running a database server and how that overhead and effort scales with the number of servers deployed. CockroachDB is designed from the ground up to be as simple as possible to configure, deploy, and run, tolerating storage, server, and network failures with minimal performance disruption and no manual intervention.


CockroachDB is designed around four levels of abstractions, each built on top of the previous layer:

  • a replication layer
  • a single, monolithic sorted map
  • a key-value store
  • a SQL interface

Physically, a CockroachDB cluster consists of Nodes, Stores, and Ranges. A Node is an instance of the CockroachDB server and you would typically have one Node per physical server. Each Node hosts one or more Stores, which are local key-value storage units. There would typically be one Store per physical storage device (so a server with five disks would run one Node that contains five Stores). Each Store contains potentially many Ranges.

Nodes use a gossip protocol to discover each other and broadcast to each other which Ranges each node in the cluster is storing. Each Range is maintained on N replicas across the cluster (typically N=3, but that’s configurable) to achieve availability in the face of hardware failure. The distribution of the Range replicas is coordinated with the Raft consensus algorithm. Replicas of each Range are organized into their own Raft group and coordinate to keep the replicas consistent with each other as data is written and updated.

These Ranges and Stores form a low level key-value store that guarantees a certain level of replication and basic consistency. CockroachDB then layers a set of indices and metadata on top of that basic key-value store. The highest level index is relatively small and is replicated to every Node in the cluster via the gossip protocol.

The SQL Layer is then implemented on top of this key-value store.


CockroachDB is written in Go and distributed as a single (currently 35MB) binary executable.

Ranges are 64MB in size (configurable, but they found that to be a good default; large enough to amortize read/write costs but small enough to replicate quickly). They are persisted locally with RocksDB, an embedded key-value store.

CockroachDB uses the Raft implementation from etcd. This has been working well for them, although they may someday switch to an EPaxos implementation, which might be a better match for their workload.

Communication between the nodes is handled with Protocol Buffers.

Most of the implementation complexity is around updating indices in the face of potentially conflicting transactions.

CockroachDB allows you to specify–per-transaction–the level of serialization and isolation that you want. For full serializability, all operations in a transaction must go through a full Raft consensus round. That provides very strong guarantees, but has a high performance cost associated with it. So you can also mark transactions as snapshot isolation (they point out that for many years, what Oracle documented as “serializable” mode in their database was merely snapshot isolation).

Snapshot isolation provides MVCC semantics and is implemented with optimistic locking via provisional writes that they call “intents” in a write-ahead transaction log that’s replicated by Raft.

When a transaction starts, the transaction record is marked as pending. Data is written, but marked with intents that point back to the transaction record. When the transaction completes, the transaction record is marked as completed and replicated via Raft. Afterwards, the nodes clean up the data and remove the intents.

When reading, if it doesn’t encounter an intent, it can continue without risk. If it encounters an intent, it must check the transaction record for the status. If the transaction is marked as committed, it just means that the intent hasn’t been cleaned up yet and again, it may continue safely. If the transaction is still marked as pending, it can simply read the previous version of the data (thus, snapshot isolation).

When writing data, if an intent is encountered and the transaction is checked and is still pending, one or the other transaction must be aborted and retried (giving the non-aborted one the chance to complete). CockroachDB gives each transaction a priority and the lower priority transaction gets aborted when there’s a write conflict. Whenever a transaction is aborted and retries, its priority increases. So eventually, either the the transaction that was blocking it will finish, or its priority will raise above the blocking transaction’s, giving it the right to progress.


CockroachDB is still considered “beta” and they don’t recommend using it for production yet. They run large clusters and dogfood it for all of their own needs, but expect that there will still be API changes and stability improvements to come.

The SQL Layer is also not yet finished. Basic SQL works, but many advanced features are not there yet (like joins).

Correctness and data safety have been their highest priorities, driving the design and implementation. They’ve been periodically testing with Jepsen to verify the distributed transaction semantics and have found and fixed many bugs as a result.

Performance tuning has also not really been started yet. Currently, it’s within about 2X of PostgreSQL on most operations on a single node, but there is a lot of write amplification that they plan to eliminate (possibly by replacing RocksDB with more special purpose code).

Overall, while it doesn’t sound like we’ll be wanting to use it right away, I’m quite impressed with CockroachDB and optimistic for its future. Having spent many years working with SQL databases and also dabbling in distributed NoSQL databases, I think their analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of those systems is accurate. CockroachDB is ambitious, but it seems like they’ve chosen a solid set of design goals and have a workable strategy for achieving them.

End of this article.

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