Jonah Bossewitch

Jonah is the former Associate Director at the Center for Teaching and Learning.

Total: 5 articles

Dr. J’s farewell post.

Revisiting Manning Marable’s decade-old digital humanities project that predates the term itself.

This summer Graham Sack, a doctoral student in the English department is teaching an introductory course in Digital Humanities called ''Computational Methods for Literary and Cultural Criticism''. Together with CCNMTL, Graham developed a cutting edge approach, using a web-based programming environment called IPython Notebook, to teach programming to novices.

Back in June, I attended the one-day Open Analytics Summit. We aren't really doing much with analytics or big data here at CCNMTL (yet), but there are many conversations and projects happening around campus and I wanted to get a better sense of the kinds of value these methods are yielding.

Back in May, Anders attended the Ricon East, "a distributed systems conference by and for engineers, developers, scientists and architects". The distributed data-store Riak was featured prominently at the conference but the event was intended more as a conference on distributed systems in general spanning academia and industry.