Tag: user-experience

The CTL media team has carefully designed our DIY recording studios for instructors to create effective and purposeful content for students and courses. To ensure optimal experience for anyone using the studio spaces, we keep four main points in mind.

Some of the most creative works operate under a form of restriction. Accessibility compliance enforces better design practices to create works that can be enjoyed by all. Our restriction is that we must not overlook the needs of anyone.

For the Greek Streets Project we used a backward design framework to guide our use of technology, rather than having the technology dictate classroom use. We applied ideas from VR to a web experience with 360-degree videos that allows students to experience street art in situ.

When it comes to incorporating VUI-based educational technologies and other voice-centric learning strategies within the classroom, I was disappointed to find very little research about this topic.

Thursday, May 19, 2022 is Global Accessibility Awareness Day. I use this day to share a technique that I regularly use to keep accessibility mindset present in my design and development processes: ask questions about my own browsing.

Color choice in interface design is an important component of user experience design. Colors in Locus Tempus are applied intentionally to communicate meaning in interface components, improve usability, integrate functionality and aesthetic design, and improve user engagement with the tool.

Technical stories connect the intention of use of what we’re imagining, and the reality as well as possibilities of the technology that we can build.

Although there seems to be a handful of different methodologies, I feel that the essence of “design thinking” boils down to three tasks that anyone can—and must—do first in order to both effectively and empathetically solve design problems. What are they?

This post offers an approach that takes into account accessibility experience in addition to technical compliance for accessible interactive PDF documents.

Application design for accessibility and inclusion is not simply a technical implementation appended to a development process. The awareness of the learning process informs us how we should code to ensure that the intended pedagogy can be processed by everyone, with differing abilities, through all devices.